Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Aztec Corn Salad, from Happy Herbivore

We made this Aztec Corn Salad from the Happy Herbivore tonight with some left over cooked black beans, click the link if you want to see her recipe (and a much more appetizing photo.)

It's a pity black beans are so hard to get here in Australia compared to the states - they taste great. Soaking and cooking the dried beans (which we have found in several health food stores and some fruit & veg shops) gives beans with good flavour and texture, but it takes fore-thought and a bit of time, compared to just getting canned ones. Also, we microwaved corn on the cob and cut the kernels off, but I'm sure frozen corn would be just as good.

Quinoa is one of those exotic things that I guess I never had the urge to try before going vegan. It's good stuff though, it has a nice sort of nutty aroma when cooked and it's so easy to prepare. For the stuff we bought, I took 1/2 cup, washed it under some warm water in a fine mesh sieve, put in a small pot with a cup of water, placed the lid on and brought to a slow boil over a low flame. After simmering for about 12 mins it was ready.

Mrs VM also made a delicious parsnip risotto tonight, I think it was a Delicious magazine recipe. Really subtle flavour, but unfortunately even less photogenic, so didn't take a pic.

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